Thursday, June 28, 2012

Our Birth Story

Before John Thomas was born, 2 of my friends blogged about their birth experience. Each story was different but it helped me get my mind focused on my upcoming labor. Their stories helped me so I wanted to share my own experience in hopes that it helps someone else.

I had an exceptionally smooth pregnancy. I was on edge most of the time just waiting for something to go wrong. Thankfully nothing did. I had a few episodes of blood pressure issues but those usually came after a really stressful day at work.
I started my 1 week appointments at 36 weeks. At 34 weeks, I was 1cm dilated and my cervix was beginning to thin. My doctor said that this was a great sign and things looked right on track for labor around my due date. At 36 weeks I was still 1 cm and only slightly more effaced. The baby was also at a +2 station (above the birth canal). At 37 weeks, I just knew I had dilated more but almost cried when the doctor told me that there had not been any progress from the week before. Still one centimeter. That was NOT what I wanted to hear. 38 weeks brought many more contractions but guess what...STILL 1 centimeter but I was 50% effaced. My doctor stripped my membranes at that appointment and we hoped that it might get things moving. I was so uncomfortable! I also had been noticing, starting at 38 weeks, that my heart was beginning to race at odd times. I started tracking my heart rate and blood pressure. I had a doctor's appointment scheduled for the Wednesday of my 39th week but on that Tuesday, something did not feel right. I monitored my heart rate and it got up in the 150s. This was my resting heart rate. I called my wonderful doctor and she asked me to come in. I was checked and was finally at 2 centimeters and 75% effaced. We had a long talk about what my options were. My entire pregnancy one thing I really wanted was to delivery vaginally. I also wanted to go into labor on my own. Yet at 39 weeks and 1 day, completely miserable, and something weird going on with my heart, we decided that my best option would be to be induced. My doctor felt that as long as everything stayed normal she didn't see why I wouldn't be able to deliver vaginally but wanted me to keep in mind that a C-section might happen.
I was sent directly over to labor and delivery from there. I called Jay and tried to calmly talk him through what all to bring to the hospital. Luckily my suitcase had been packed for weeks.
Scared and excited...just checked in at labor and delivery

Talking to Jay
Getting hooked up...This is my wonderful nurse Marta
So things were pretty quiet that night. I was dehydrated and my doctor thought that might be what was causing my heart to race. So that Tuesday night they decided to let me rest, fill me with fluid, and we would start bright and early Wednesday morning. I was given fluids through IV all night and was given cervidil (sp?) to help soften my cervix and complete my effacement. I was also given a sleeping pill so that I could rest. Thank goodness because otherwise I would have been way to excited to sleep. I had a peaceful night's sleep that night and was able to get up around 5am and have a shower. I am really glad that I was able to have this time to mentally prepare.
My doctor came in that morning around 7:30, broke my water, and started me on Pitocin. Honestly, I did not want to be on Pitocin. I had heard horror stories. But more on that in a minute. Having my water break was an interesting experience. I don't know how to explain it other than a huge gush of warm water.
So I was started on Pitocin. I was feeling the contractions but on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the worst pain) it was a 3. Around 11 that day, I had progressed to 4cm and my pain was around a 5. I opted to go ahead and have the epidural. BEST DECISION EVER! The anesthesiologist was wonderful and talked me through the procedure. It was not bad at all and my uncomfortable state went to a 1-2 on the pain scale. I spent the next few hours relaxing and sleeping. I really never pictured myself getting so much rest during labor. I wanted the room quiet and relaxing. I spent time watching tv, reading, and sleeping. During the day, I kept noticing Marta come in and adjust my settings on the Pitocin. It ended up making my contractions come at less than a minute apart (I wasn't aware of this!) so they ended up taking me off the Pitocin and progress naturally. I was happy about this decision.
As the day went on, I was getting more and more anxious for my baby to arrive. Around 4pm, I started feeling nauseous. I was checked and was 6cm dilated but the baby had not progressed any down the birth canal. Marta suggested that I sit straight up in the bed. At 5pm I was still nauseous and started to regain feeling from my epidural so I was given Phenergan and they did something with my epidural to reactivate it (I'm not sure what but it worked!). I was almost 7cm by then. The medicine made me so sleepy. So I pretty much slept on and off from 5-6pm.I was also extremely cold. I wonder if that was just part of the process of my body getting ready for delivery. Marta brought me heated blankets that were wonderful!  Around 6, everyone but Jay went down to the cafeteria to eat. Jay and I got to spend some quiet time together as just the two of us for the last time before the baby arrived. Mom came back up around 6:45 and told Jay he could go get dinner and she would stay with me. I was so uncomfortable and all I could think about was pushing. I was also so sleepy (from the medicine) that I could barely stay awake. At 6:55 I looked at mom and told her that I HAD to push. She wanted to call the nurse but I insisted that she call Jay first. Thank goodness because he had just reached the cafeteria and was about to buy his food. After we got Jay to head back up to the room, I called for Marta. Now I was told 7pm was not the best time to have a baby because it was shift change time. But when a baby is ready to come...he is ready to come! Marta came in and checked me. I was 10cm!!! She had me push once and she said "Yep, you are ready!". Like clockwork, the delivery team swooped in. I was so excited! "Here we go" was all I could think. I remember that American Idol was on the tv and I wanted it turned off. I did not want any extra noise in the room. Dr. Head ended up being my delivery doctor instead of my own doctor. He was great though! We started making small talk while he was prepping and it comes to find out that I worked with his brother at Camp Sumatanga (Alan Head). He was really funny too. He would say something and I would start laughing and forget to push. I had seen my fair share of deliveries on tv and in movies and knew I did not want to be that screaming woman. Never once in the delivery process did I feel like screaming. I pushed a total of 5 times and at 7:18 my little miracle was born. My nurse Marta who had been with me all day was so sweet to stay for the delivery. It was such an amazing experience. I had what to me would be considered a perfect delivery. The most precious moment was the moment I first got to see my little guy. And boy was he little! My entire pregnancy I was told he was going to be a big baby. Much to my delight he was a perfect 6lbs even and 19inches long. He was beautiful and had a head full of hair. Jay faced his fears and cut the cord (he had said he wouldn't). The baby was taken to be cleaned up while the doctor took care of me and the after birth process. I did tear during the delivery and had to be stitched up but Dr. Head talked me through the process and I still was in awe of this new life that had entered our world. John Thomas Jackson arrived on April 4th, 2012 at 7:18pm weighing 6lbs and was 19 inches long.
Now we had something special at the delivery. A few weeks before, I had read about having a photographer present for the delivery. This intrigued me. I didn't want any pictures that would embarrass me and I wasn't sure about having a stranger in the delivery room but now I am so glad that we decided to do this. See, while the mommy is being taken care of after delivery, the baby is across the room being cleaned up. I missed all of this. However, thanks to Karen Ford and her photography skills, I now have the most precious pictures from this time. Here are some of the pictures from the delivery. This is just a few! Karen took almost 200 pictures for us.
Welcome to the world John Thomas!

I love the expression on their faces.

It's a boy!

Love at first sight!

My wonderful nurses, Marta and Jennifer. Jennifer was taking John Thomas to get cleaned up.

Where am I?

Look at that hair!

I want my mommy!

Bright light! Where am I?

Proud grandparents! I love their expressions!
Sweet baby

I love this one. He is so in love.

One of my favorites!

My first time holding my cleaned up baby.

So in love!
Our little family
Mommy love
You can tell how sleepy I still was in this picture.
Proud daddy
My family
The Jacksons
John Thomas Jackson

His formal hospital picture. I like Karen's pictures much better. Poor baby, they took this picture right after his circumcision. This newborn sized outfit was huge on him!
I cannot say enough wonderful things about Shelby Baptist Hospital. The doctors I worked with were fabulous and I loved all of the nurses. Another person I could not imagine going through the process without is my Mom. She went to my doctor appointments with me (when Jay couldn't get off work), was there with me in the room all day and night and was beside me when I delivered. She and Jay were so supportive during the whole pregnancy.  I also am so thankful for a wonderful pregnancy, an exceptional and easy delivery, and thank God for our wonderful little miracle!