Saturday, October 15, 2011

Psalm 139:14

I will give thanks to Thee, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made! (Psalm 139:14)

A few years ago I had the opportunity to co-direct a youth retreat based on Psalm 139:14. It was an amazing weekend helping teenagers realize that they were fearfully and wonderfully made by a God who loved them and has been with them since before they were born. That verse has always meant a lot to me but for the past 14 weeks, it has meant even more.

God has given me the wonderful opportunity to be a mother. I am still in shock at this miracle. Honestly, I always thought we would have trouble conceiving. Jay is older, I'm almost 30, both of us have had our fair share of medical problems...I just knew it would never happen on our first try (I even told Jay that a million times as I was trying to convince him it was our turn to try!) Little did I know that God had bigger and better plans in store for us. I found on July 18th that I was going to be a mom. I shared the news with Jay 2 days later when I was a little more "positive" of the news. We kept the news from our parents for a few weeks because we were waiting for my dad's birthday.

See...back earlier in the summer, my dad jokingly held up my baby cousin and exclaimed, "I want one of these for my birthday". At the time, the thought seemed crazy. When we did find out that it was possible, I had to wait for his birthday. It was a huge surprise to both of our families when we shared the news. I wish I could have gotten a picture of my mom and dad when they saw the picture we had for them but I was trying so hard to keep everything a secret.

The past 14 weeks have been an adventure. We have seen our sweet baby on the sonogram with his or her little heart fluttering away. Six weeks later we were overjoyed to hear our little one's heartbeat for the first time. My parents bought us a home doppler so that we can hear the heartbeat whenever we like. It has been fun trying to find the heartbeat. I think we have a little athlete on our hands! It seems like every time I do find the heartbeat, the baby likes to move away from the probe. I've begun feeling my first flutters and words cannot explain the feeling. It is absolutely amazing. The baby loves the combination of sugar cookies and Fresca. Every time I indulge in this combination I feel flutters! I cannot wait to start feeling more movement.

It still amazes me that God is fearfully and wonderfully shaping a new life inside of me. I love this little one more than words can explain already. I pray that Jay and I can be the best parents that God has planned for this little one. I cannot wait until April when we can hold our little one in our arms and give thanks to God for his gift.

One of the sweetest sounds I've ever heard!

This is the first time we heard the heartbeat. If you listen closely at the very beginning, you hear our wonderful doctor say, "There's your baby".

This is one of the times that I found the heartbeat at home on the doppler. It was fun trying to hold the doppler in one hand, balance my phone on my chest and chase the baby with the probe so that I could record the heartbeat.

Thank you to a sweet friend who reminded me this week that it had been a while since I posted and that someone does read my blog. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you dear friend for posting this blog. I have chills and tears. I thoroughly enjoy hearing a mom talk about the life growing inside, I delight in seeing an expecting mother.... such a wonderful miracle. I have to refrain myself from reaching out and touching that beautiful mound.. that wonderfully made delight from God. I will often ask "May I?" It always thrills me.
May God be with you, Jay and baby each and every day.
Begin NOW praying for the parents of baby's spouse. Pray for them to be godly and raise the child in a christian home.
I love you and thank you for sharing.