Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Assembly Hall Makeover

Words cannot explain how excited this video makes me. I think it is absolutely amazing what young adults can accomplish when God puts a mission in their heart. Timmy and friends did an amazing job designing the new stage, raising money, and making over the assembly hall. If you have never visited the assembly hall at Camp Sumatanga, then you must contact me immediately so that I can share this special place with you. This simple building is truely holy ground. Many lives have been changed inside of those 4 walls. From folk dances to candle lit communions, I have made many memories in that place.
Please continue to support and pray for Sumatanga. The summer camping season will be beginning in a few weeks. The Team will arrive soon to prepare for campers. (Oh how I miss my days on Team!). Pray for strength and wisdom for the counselors, directors, and Team. Pray for each of the campers that will be coming.
I'm really sad that I will not get to spend a week at camp this summer (In the past 6 summers I have spent atleast 1 week and up to 7 weeks at camp). Because of graduate school commitments, I will be unable to direct a junior high camp this year. Instead I will be directing one weekend of Mom and Me camp. If you have young children (too young for a week of camp) you might want to consider Mom and Me camp. It is a one night camp set up for Moms and their children to get a taste of what Sumatanga has to offer. We will go swimming, hiking, canoeing, do arts and crafts, participate in an environmental lesson with Helena, sing, dance, and best of all, worship together. If you are interested in attending my Mom and Me camp, please let me know, or you can check out

Since I'm having trouble embedding videos, you can also see the video at or

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is evident that you have a special place in your heart for the camp. I'm sure you have wonderful memories.